Wednesday, June 10, 2015

WORDS HAVE WINGS: Action has Jetpacks
If words have wings so that word spreads around and gets to places fast, action moves even faster. And this can either be good or bad news for you. It can work powerfully well for you for advertising or the principle can work against you--one wrong move and the whole community knows about it even before it actually happens.

This morning while taking an easy walk around the neighborhood, people asked me if I teach arnis--or Filipino sticks martial arts. I don't advertise--I just do martial arts regularly as part of a fitness workout--and people see me doing it and assume that I teach. I don't advertise the way other businesses do--heralding banners and claiming my product is better than other products. I just do my own thing around my place--not to show off but to merely train outdoors--and simply talk about it and share some tips on FB.

It's a cliche but it needs stressing here--action speaks louder than words--especially if you're a bit choosy about who buys from your business. Choosy about customers? Well, I will talk about this in another article. It's been my business principle--choosing about who buys from my business--and yes, it doesn't make my businesses that profitable. And I have a good reason for it.

And how action has jetpacks to make it travel faster than words with wings do is a vital principle on choosing your clients well. I choose my clients because I hate getting headaches from stubborn and unreasonably demanding clients. Peace of mind to me is lots better than profits.

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