Friday, April 24, 2015

Household Churches
HISGROUP. Churches in the Book of Acts were household churches. But today, household churches are laughed at, if not belittled or considered cultic. Funny, isn’t it? Church people have become so accustomed to church buildings that they find house churches weird and even heretic.

When I tell church folks how the church God gave me just meets regularly in homes and “pastored” by parents I disciple, they find it very strange and think we’re terribly in error or just playing around. Unless they see you meeting in a building they call “church,” your church isn’t church to them. They call it a mere bible study or cell group.

It worsens when I tell them I have no intention whatsoever of registering it with the SEC or giving it an official name. To them that’s either mortal sin or plain stupid. And the number one problem they see is how I’d be able to accept donations for the church.

I didn't know that was a problem. So what if there are no donations?

My Jesus never had his church ministry registered with the government or given an official name. So with the Acts church. Church then was family affair–with a spiritual father [and mother if the father was married], brothers, sisters, and elders or “overseers” or deacons who were older brothers and sisters. Do you need to register a family like that with the SEC to enjoy it?

Today, churches are corporations, registered with the government and run by chairmen and presidents and directors and secretaries and board of trustees. I don’t know where they got the idea. And if you say your church is run simply like a family, they'd scowl at you. They'd think you're getting it all wrong and then lecture you on the correct way to do things.

God’s Last-Days Move: Going Back to Household Churches

But God is about to destroy man-invented churches to set up his one, universal glorious church which is without spot or wrinkle or any blemish, but holy and pure. This church uses no “church building” as the term means today, but meets in homes, garages, under trees, by the river, offices, parks, roof tops, business centers, malls, the marketplace.

The Jesus glorious church has no “headquarters” or office address. It’s in warm homes where dads and moms are anointed servants of God, ministering to their children, disciples, neighbors, and their communities, operating in the spoken WORD of God and his signs and wonders, and powerfully led by the Holy Spirit alone. They are closely linked in the Spirit with God’s apostles and prophets with their team of evangelists, pastors and teachers, in their locality and in the world.

God is starting to form these small groups which have discovered the incompleteness of “born-again Christian” denominations and other man-invented churches, left them, and are connected in spirit to Jesus’ invisible but real glorious church, being completely united with all similar believers in the world and made one body by the Jesus DNA in them.

Why the Household Church Concept is Vital Today

Others may think I’m majoring on minors. Why don’t I just focus on evangelism and church planting? We do focus on evangelism and church planting, but we have to do them with God’s blueprint, not man’s. The focus on corporate mega churches kills God’s concept of a true church as a family. Churches have become unthinking robots remotely controlled by corporate denominations which think like psychologists and sociologists more than like God.

Consequently, churches today are more like Rotary Clubs or franchises that just help people, aim to enlarge membership [and spread office branches], and do civic works like medical missions. They don’t look anything like the Jesus church ministry or the Acts church. And for us, that’s questionable.
Make sure you are connected with a Jesus and Acts household church in these end-times.

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