Saturday, August 15, 2015

Why Eat More Cheap Sayote
Sayote (chayote or mirliton) often come cheap, and if they become a bit more expensive for some reason, they're still cheaper compared to other vegetables. I often saute sayote in garlic and onions and then boil it with enough water. I also add in cubed tofu.

Tastes sweet and luscious.

And do eat it often. It gives you lots of health benefits. A special mention is its aglycone flavonoid poly-phenolic antioxidants. Or simply its antioxidant compound. It helps scavenge destructive free radicals and Reactive Oxygen Species or ROS that can lead to faster aging, cancer and other deadly diseases.

Sayote is also a good source of Vitamin B complex, folate which is vital in cell division and DNA health. It also helps pregnant moms prevent neural tube defects in their newborn babies.

Moreover, being a root crop, sayote is a good source of riboflavin, minerals like iron, phosphorus, manganese, zinc and copper. You get a good amount of thiamin and pyridoxine.

Imagine getting all that from a cheap vegetable.

Last week, I bought one big sayote for P40.00 and it fed three of us. My kids wanted some meat so I put in some grind meat. To make it really tasty, I sauteed it in garlic, onions, tomatoes and spring onions with a bunch of kinchay.

Simply superb!

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