My Simple Secrets to Fitness

I’ve been a health buff since grade 7. I was among the few guys who first jogged the streets of Project 8, QC in the mid 1970s. Back then jogging around your block was a weird idea. Nobody was doing it.

So, from grade 7 to this day, I’ve been into workouts to be trim and fit for my favorite athletic activity—Filipino martial arts.

Some folks ask me for tips on fitness, especially those who have no time for it, are too lazy, or those who think they’re too old. Instead of telling them what to do, I thought of making an e-book about it. How do I keep trim and how can I easily move my body with ease and speed even at my age? What’s my “secret”?

Actually, they’re not “secrets,” but because people keep referring to them as my secrets, I refer to them also as “secrets.” In this e-book, I share with readers the workouts that have been working for me. Why do I recommend them? For the following reasons:

  1. I know they work. They’ve been working for me and I think they would work for most people.
  2. They’re easy to do, even for those who claim they’re too “busy” to workout. You don’t need special gears, uniforms, place or equipment to do them. In fact, you can do some of them right in your office.
  3. The workouts are so cheap. To do most of them, all you need is your body and discipline.
  4. They’re safe. I’ve been doing them for years and yet I had no problem with them. And they have built-in precautionary measures, just in case.
  5. They’re for everyone who wants to be healthy and fit, no matter what age. The workouts won’t turn you into The Incredible Hulk or Mr. Universe, but they will keep you fit and healthy.
  6. They are practical workouts everyone probably is aware of. But very few take them seriously because they probably think they do not work. There’s a notion today that if what you’re doing is too practical and cheap, it doesn’t work. Most people believe in something only if it's expensive. Funny, isn’t it?
  7. Simple things are easy to keep up with. So, it’s easy to keep up with my secrets to fitness throughout your life.
  8. They keep my weight and tummy within normal range. I don’t have packed or defined abs but I’m trim. If you’re not in a bodybuilding competition, you don’t need angry-looking 6-pack abs. You just need your tummy firm and trim.
  9. They keep me ready and alert for any action although they’re easy to do. Everyday, you should be ready to respond to or deal with any emergency.
  10. They’re ideal for beginners and returnees—those who had been into workouts before but stopped and now want to go back to working out but in realistic and feasible ways and schedules. They’re also ideal for those who hate going to or joining a gym.
This 100-plus-page e-book contains the "secrets" that keeps me limber, athletic, strong, healthy and trim even at 61. To get a PDF copy, simply click on the buy button below.

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