We know that blessings come, even to the unrigrteous, wicked and corrupt. GOD makes the sun shine on them and provides them rain, says the Word. All blessings come from God and even those which people think come from the devil actually originate from God, for everything is owned by HIM. The devil owns nothing and therefore cannot bless anyone. The kingdoms he boasted of to Jesus in the wilderness were all "borrowed" from God.
"...so that everyone may know that the Most High rules over the kingdoms of the world. He gives them to anyone he chooses— even to the lowliest of people.” [Daniel 4.17]
I need to emphasize this: we have to realize that not just the good and faithful get blessings. Most church folks think that people are blessed because they please God, and if you're poor, it means you don't. Not necessarily. In fact, truly faithful people seem to be unblessed and unfavored, while the wicked get everything they want.
“Why do the wicked prosper, growing old and powerful? They live to see their children grow up and settle down, and they enjoy their grandchildren. Their homes are safe from every fear, and God does not punish them." [Job 21.7]
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It's settled then, that blessings will come, whether you like it or not. Wag ka na kumontra. But the question is, when do they come? Do they come in times of need, before needs arise or as soon as you pray for needs? Do they come when you least expect them? Or, do they come sometime after praying? After an hour, a few days or weeks? A month? A year maybe? Or, do we have to count years? If we're going by bible standards (in fact, if we really believe the bible) blessings come in three ways--as soon as we pray (or while praying), right after we pray, and before we even pray. Jesus demonstrated and taught all these.
But in the modern church today, it has become "normal" to get blessings a long time after they pray. They even came up with an enumeration scheme--which is:
- God answers now
- God will answer later (it's not yet time)
- It's ither yes or no
- It's his will but you need to satisfy certain conditions
- It's a no but he has something better
You decide what you think or feel is God's answer. So you hear them say, "God told me it's not yet time, and I must wait for his perfect timing." If you say you believe in instant answers to prayers (or even pre-prayer answers) church people will think you're nuts, too literal with passages, or see everything out of context. You need to go and learn from their seminaries.
Some suggest you'd never know when. Just wait for God, for they that wait shall renew their strength and mount up with wings like eagles, and so forth and so on. I believe in Isaiah 40.31 with all my heart, but my point is, why do they resort to waiting when it's about answers to prayer but not when it's about church programs and activities?
I mean, they just plan anything in church today, see what they think are the needs, pray, and do anything that seems to work. Anything that will increase membership and up church income. They do not wait for the Holy Spirit as bible folks did, like when the Spirit set apart Paul and Barnabas for ministry while they were worshiping and fasting. No more supernatural waiting like that. Modern church thinks waiting is a waste of time. Church needs to make things happen NOW.
But Jesus waited till he was 30 years old before he started ministry (he could've started at 20 or 25 considering the millions of lost souls persishing at the time. But nope, he had to wait for the Father's timing). Anyway, here are some basic helps I think are worth considering if we want to know when blessings are coming:
3 Powerful Signs That Blessings from God Are Coming to You
Have you ever felt like something wonderful is just around the corner? Sometimes, we get subtle hints that God is preparing to shower us with blessings. Here are three powerful signs that divine blessings are on their way to you, your family, and your ministry.
1. A Deep Sense of Inner Peace
One of the most profound signs that God is about to bless you is experiencing a deep sense of inner peace--especially in times of chaos, hardships and trials. This peace transcends understanding and remains steadfast even in the midst of life’s uncertainties. Worries also come, even to the faithful, but your worries seem to dissolve more easily without effort, and you face challenges with a newfound strength and serenity. This tranquility is a clear indication that you are aligned with God’s plan for your life. When your mind and heart are at rest, you’re more receptive to His guidance and blessings. So, if you feel a profound calmness, embrace it. It’s a signal that something greater is on the horizon.
2. Unexplained Joy
Another powerful sign is a sudden, inexplicable joy, again even amid adversities--or especially during adversities. This joy can appear out of nowhere, lifting your spirits even when circumstances remain unchanged. It’s a divine hint that something wonderful is on the horizon. You might find yourself smiling more, feeling lighter, and experiencing a profound sense of happiness that defies logical explanation. This joy can manifest in various ways:
- Increased Gratitude: You start appreciating the little things around you.
- Positive Outlook: Your perspective shifts, allowing you to see potential and hope in situations that previously seemed bleak.
- Energy Boost: You suddenly have more energy and enthusiasm for tasks that used to feel burdensome.
- Increased Kindness: You become more compassionate and generous.
- Sense of Purpose: You feel a renewed sense of direction and motivation.
When you experience this kind of joy, it’s a powerful reminder that God is at work in your life. Embrace it, cherish it, and stay open to the blessings that are coming your way.
3. Unexpected Opportunities
Lastly, unexpected opportunities for growth and advancement are clear signs that God is preparing to bless you. These opportunities might come in the form of new job offers, financial gains, or even restored relationships. When doors start opening for you in ways you hadn’t anticipated, it’s a sign that God is positioning you for greater things. Pay attention to these opportunities and be ready to step through the doors that God opens for you. Trust that He is guiding your steps and preparing you for the blessings that are about to be released into your life.
Humbling Situations are Opportunities, Too
But more important than obvious promotions and opportunities that improve your secular life situation are humbling moments that seem to put you in a lower or humble life status. Failures, demotions, defeats, losses, humiliation, and the like are sometimes blessings in disguises that result to a higher promotion recognized only in the spirit realms. Christ's suffering and death are examples which even his own disciples thought were defeat or dead end moments but actually were grand triumphs in the spirit realms. The cross is foolishness to the spiritually ignorant. But true believers preach Christ crucified.
In conclusion, keep your heart open and your spirit attuned to these signs. Inner peace, unexplained joy, and unexpected opportunities are powerful indicators that God’s blessings are on their way. Stay faithful, stay hopeful, and get ready to receive the abundant blessings that God has in store for you. 🌈✨
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