Tuesday, September 24, 2024

5 Ways to Stop Being Stereotyped

If you're a genuine non-joiner like me, the last thing you want is to be lumped together with others as "usual" or "same old story." I don't want to be cast off as "just like the others," not because I want to be different but because I hate the trend or prevailing flow, I don't like the way things are. I hate the fad. I hate to join the club because it's gone awry.

Photo by Noah Nรคf on Unsplash.

If you don't like what you see and you want to stay away from the broad highway that leads to destruction, here are 5 sure ways to keep yourself pure from being stereotyped.

1. Keep to the truth. This means first and foremost, you should know the truth. But everybody claims to know or possess the truth, or a version of it. They say truth is relative. What's true to you is entirely your own opinion. It's most likely different from others' truth. Even if you say your truth is bible-based, a lot of bible wielders have their own versions of "bible truth." So what's truth?

This is my version of truth. If you hold to a principle that Jesus also held in the Gospel, and the principle radically and supernaturally transforms your thinking so that you have Jesus' very own faith and mindset, then to me you hold real truth. Second, if the truth you have makes you meek, simple, self-effaced, patient and low profile, then I subscribe by your truth version. Anyone with self pride has no truth in him, even if he says he is ultra bible-based. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
For all that is in the world—the lust and sensual craving of the flesh and the lust and longing of the eyes and the boastful pride of life [pretentious confidence in one's resources or in the stability of earthly things]—these do not come from the Father, but are from the world. [1 John 2.16-17]
2. Keep still. I'm very sociable and a lot of folks like me a lot---even if I'm often quiet and just listening to talkers and lecturers and self braggers. My God--the one I meet with alone most times of the day--has trained me to keep still, calm, quiet, cool and relaxed---content at being a nobody that lingers in the backdrop. He trained me to keep rested in Him. A quiet spirit keeps you separate from the crowd even if you're in the midst of it all. It helps you stay in God's presence even if you're surrounded by noisy people and their stupid chaos.
"Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him; fret not yourself over the one who prospers in his way, over the man who carries out evil devices!" [Psalm 37.7]

Everyone's uneasy and keeps moving around to be seen as proactive, productive, and achieving something--anything--and anything contrary is labeled reactive. Don't believe them. Don't be like them. Moving around and accomplishing lots of things often do not mean anything. But they that wait on the Lord shall mount up with wings like eagles. 

3. Zero self conceit. Self conceit is when you think you're somebody or something when you're not. Truth is (this truth may be subjective), we're all nothing and nobodies before God and his grace and mercy alone make us enjoy his attention and love. Once you get this truth, you show yourself apart from the crowd.

Behold, the nations are as a drop of a bucket, and are counted as the small dust of the balance: behold, he taketh up the isles as a very little thing. [Isaiah 40.15-18]
If you think you are too important to help someone, you are only fooling yourself. You are not that important. [Galatians 6.3]

 4. Success is an illusion. Remember always that any idea or hint of success is an illusion. Anything we do successfully is really done by God. We're simply devices or instruments God uses to accomplish things. The crowd wants to think they are great in some way or successful in some aspects, and brag about it, though they deny it each time---or claim it's for "God's glory." A lot of testimonies are stereotyped this way and people are tired of them. So don't join those who are fanatics about their imagined success.

All that we have accomplished you have done for us. [Isaiah 26.12]

5. Be alone. Find time to be alone with God most times. But don't get this wrong. Be sociable and make new friends and acquaintances. Connect with people. But don't feed on them. Some folks "eat" people and die of starvation when kept away from them. Feed on God and his presence, and learn to enjoy Him alone several times a day. In fact, as you're busy with life and work in this world, you need to learn to be alone with him in his throne room, his secret place, amid the busyness.

"Eat" God. ๐Ÿ˜Ž


Just email me at choyscut@gmail.com and get an email back in 20 or 30 seconds with a download link to the e-books, "MY SIMPLE SECRETS TO FITNESS" (100 pages) and "BEAT JOB INTERVIEWERS 10 WAYS" (50 pages) which reveals what really goes on during interviews and shares 10 powerful keys to winning job interviews. They're both FREE! 

You also get my GCash details in case you decide to donate P40, P50, P100 (or any amount) for the two e-books (each valued at Php 400) to help my church ministry (I'm a self-supporting pastor). But with or without donation, the e-books are yours ๐Ÿ˜„.

Monday, September 23, 2024

Why Hostile People Would Suddenly Want Talk to Us

To be sure, there are a lot of reasons why people would suddenly approach you when they very seldom did before--worse, who obviously hated you. But I thought of 5 which I think are foremost reasons, especially in these days when more people are growing too cagey about opening themselves up even to friends and acquaintances. 

Photo by Antenna on Unsplash.

1. Ulterior motives. Being a little bit cagey myself ๐Ÿ˜‚, the first idea I thought of was ulterior motives. I guess in general, we all find it suspicious that someone aloof would suddenly want to see and talk to us. The question that floats around in mind is, "WHY?" Ulterior motive is a dominant, secret and urgent need that necessitates a ceasefire on your part (you lay down your arms) so you could cross the boundary line and initiate peace talks with the enemy. Only, the "enemy" is often unaware that he or she is your enemy. 

Well, sometimes it's not about getting across enemy lines to get the enemy's favor temporarily. Sometimes it's about soliciting approval or benefit from someone you're not particularly close to. That's all. But the point remains that the person suddenly becomes amiable and there's a needed favor behind it. You're the link to their opportunity.

2. Confirming a gossip. A nosy person may not want any favor except to get some story. That's all. This is especially so if he thinks you know something about the matter but are usually too quiet about sensitive things. So the person, contrary to his usual nature, approaches you and acts like he really likes you and sneaks into your privacy to get the story straight from the horse's mouth. This is often done with a peace or flattering offering (or bribe), like a treat to Starbucks for Americana or cappuccino, or hot coffee or chocolate with blueberry Danish bread at French Baker. Obviously my favorites ๐Ÿ˜.

3. You're a bridge. You're seen as a link or connection to their objective, like a person of value to them who happens to be your friend. You know someone who's the answer to their prayers. In high school and college, I was often the bridge to someone's crush or puppy love because most of my female friends then were pretty. Or, you know someone well positioned in a company or establishment and they need you as a conduit to connect with that person for employment purposes. 

4. No one else to talk to. When someone's in a party or gathering and knows no one there and feels awkward about it---and suddenly sees you and approaches (though he doesn't like you)---chances are, you will be some sort of good news, not because he likes you, but to save his face. Guys like this are most uncomfortable in places where's they're a stranger or not popular or the center of attraction. So they look for an audience, hoping you're one. They're not really interested about you but they hope you'd be interested about them. And when they have gathered enough people around them or seen others they know, you're quickly trashed aside as persona non grata.

5. A changed person. In few instances, someone not close to you would gladly approach when they see you and warmly talk with you, often genuinely interested about what's happened so far with your life. This is because they've changed significantly, learned a lot in life through the years, and matured. This is the "seed" that fell on the ground, died, popped up anew, sprouted, grew, blossomed, flourished and fruited. 

Very few people would treat you as the number 5 guy (the changed person) would, especially if they imagine they have become great and successful. 


Just email me at choyscut@gmail.com and get an email back in 20 or 30 seconds with a download link to the e-books, "MY SIMPLE SECRETS TO FITNESS" (100 pages) and "BEAT JOB INTERVIEWERS 10 WAYS" (50 pages) which reveals what really goes on during interviews and shares 10 powerful keys to winning job interviews. They're both FREE! 

You also get my GCash details in case you decide to donate P40, P50, P100 (or any amount) for the two e-books (which are valued at Php 400 each) to help my church ministry (I'm a self-supporting pastor). But with or without donation, the e-books are yours ๐Ÿ˜„.

Sunday, September 22, 2024

When Do Blessings Come?

We know that blessings come, even to the unrigrteous, wicked and corrupt. GOD makes the sun shine on them and provides them rain, says the Word. All blessings come from God and even those which people think come from the devil actually originate from God, for everything is owned by HIM. The devil owns nothing and therefore cannot bless anyone. The kingdoms he boasted of to Jesus in the wilderness were all "borrowed" from God.

Photo above by Nick Pampoukidis on Unsplash.
"...so that everyone may know that the Most High rules over the kingdoms of the world. He gives them to anyone he chooses— even to the lowliest of people.” [Daniel 4.17]

I need to emphasize this: we have to realize that not just the good and faithful get blessings. Most church folks think that people are blessed because they please God, and if you're poor, it means you don't. Not necessarily. In fact, truly faithful people seem to be unblessed and unfavored, while the wicked get everything they want. 

“Why do the wicked prosper, growing old and powerful? They live to see their children grow up and settle down, and they enjoy their grandchildren. Their homes are safe from every fear, and God does not punish them." [Job 21.7]

Get my 3 ebooks during one month (separately sent during the month) 
for an insanely low price! 
Click the LINK below for more details. 


It's settled then, that blessings will come, whether you like it or not. Wag ka na kumontra. But the question is, when do they come? Do they come in times of need, before needs arise or as soon as you pray for needs? Do they come when you least expect them? Or, do they come sometime after praying? After an hour, a few days or weeks? A month? A year maybe? Or, do we have to count years? If we're going by bible standards (in fact, if we really believe the bible) blessings come in three ways--as soon as we pray (or while praying), right after we pray, and before we even pray. Jesus demonstrated and taught all these. 

But in the modern church today, it has become "normal" to get blessings a long time after they pray. They even came up with an enumeration scheme--which is: 

  1. God answers now
  2. God will answer later (it's not yet time)
  3. It's ither yes or no
  4. It's his will but you need to satisfy certain conditions
  5. It's a no but he has something better
You decide what you think or feel is God's answer. So you hear them say, "God told me it's not yet time, and I must wait for his perfect timing." If you say you believe in instant answers to prayers (or even pre-prayer answers) church people will think you're nuts, too literal with passages, or see everything out of context. You need to go and learn from their seminaries.

Some suggest you'd never know when. Just wait for God, for they that wait shall renew their strength and mount up with wings like eagles, and so forth and so on. I believe in Isaiah 40.31 with all my heart, but my point is, why do they resort to waiting when it's about answers to prayer but not when it's about church programs and activities? 

I mean, they just plan anything in church today, see what they think are the needs, pray, and do anything that seems to work. Anything that will increase membership and up church income. They do not wait for the Holy Spirit as bible folks did, like when the Spirit set apart Paul and Barnabas for ministry while they were worshiping and fasting. No more supernatural waiting like that. Modern church thinks waiting is a waste of time. Church needs to make things happen NOW.

But Jesus waited till he was 30 years old before he started ministry (he could've started at 20 or 25 considering the millions of lost souls persishing at the time. But nope, he had to wait for the Father's timing). Anyway, here are some basic helps I think are worth considering if we want to know when blessings are coming:

3 Powerful Signs That Blessings from God Are Coming to You

Have you ever felt like something wonderful is just around the corner? Sometimes, we get subtle hints that God is preparing to shower us with blessings. Here are three powerful signs that divine blessings are on their way to you, your family, and your ministry.

1. A Deep Sense of Inner Peace

One of the most profound signs that God is about to bless you is experiencing a deep sense of inner peace--especially in times of chaos, hardships and trials. This peace transcends understanding and remains steadfast even in the midst of life’s uncertainties. Worries also come, even to the faithful, but your worries seem to dissolve more easily without effort, and you face challenges with a newfound strength and serenity. This tranquility is a clear indication that you are aligned with God’s plan for your life. When your mind and heart are at rest, you’re more receptive to His guidance and blessings. So, if you feel a profound calmness, embrace it. It’s a signal that something greater is on the horizon.

2. Unexplained Joy

Another powerful sign is a sudden, inexplicable joy, again even amid adversities--or especially during adversities. This joy can appear out of nowhere, lifting your spirits even when circumstances remain unchanged. It’s a divine hint that something wonderful is on the horizon. You might find yourself smiling more, feeling lighter, and experiencing a profound sense of happiness that defies logical explanation. This joy can manifest in various ways: 
  • Increased Gratitude: You start appreciating the little things around you.
  • Positive Outlook: Your perspective shifts, allowing you to see potential and hope in situations that previously seemed bleak. 
  • Energy Boost: You suddenly have more energy and enthusiasm for tasks that used to feel burdensome.
  • Increased Kindness: You become more compassionate and generous.
  • Sense of Purpose: You feel a renewed sense of direction and motivation.
When you experience this kind of joy, it’s a powerful reminder that God is at work in your life. Embrace it, cherish it, and stay open to the blessings that are coming your way.

3. Unexpected Opportunities

Lastly, unexpected opportunities for growth and advancement are clear signs that God is preparing to bless you. These opportunities might come in the form of new job offers, financial gains, or even restored relationships. When doors start opening for you in ways you hadn’t anticipated, it’s a sign that God is positioning you for greater things. Pay attention to these opportunities and be ready to step through the doors that God opens for you. Trust that He is guiding your steps and preparing you for the blessings that are about to be released into your life.

Humbling Situations are Opportunities, Too

But more important than obvious promotions and opportunities that improve your secular life situation are humbling moments that seem to put you in a lower or humble life status. Failures, demotions, defeats, losses, humiliation, and the like are sometimes blessings in disguises that result to a higher promotion recognized only in the spirit realms. Christ's suffering and death are examples which even his own disciples thought were defeat or dead end moments but actually were grand triumphs in the spirit realms. The cross is foolishness to the spiritually ignorant. But true believers preach Christ crucified. 

In conclusion, keep your heart open and your spirit attuned to these signs. Inner peace, unexplained joy, and unexpected opportunities are powerful indicators that God’s blessings are on their way. Stay faithful, stay hopeful, and get ready to receive the abundant blessings that God has in store for you. ๐ŸŒˆ✨


Just email me at choyscut@gmail.com and get an email back in 20 or 30 seconds with a download link to the e-books, "MY SIMPLE SECRETS TO FITNESS" (100 pages) and "BEAT JOB INTERVIEWERS 10 WAYS" (50 pages) which reveals what really goes on during interviews and shares 10 powerful keys to winning job interviews. They're both FREE! 

You also get my GCash details in case you decide to donate P40, P50, P100 (or any amount) for the two e-books (each valued at Php 400) to help my church ministry (I'm a self-supporting pastor). But with or without donation, the e-books are yours ๐Ÿ˜„. Get them now!

Thursday, March 7, 2024

11 Sites for Virtual Appointment Setter Jobs

What do you need to be a work-from-home (WFH) virtual appointment setter (VAS)? Nothing but imagination, guts and a doer spirit. High school or college dropouts may try if they have the three qualities mentioned. Better if you have college degrees and some webinar training conducted by appointment setter (AS) experts. English literacy? If you're not that confident with your English, try chat-only AS.

How do you become an appointment setter? Attend paid webinar trainings. Well, first you attend a free webinar where they give you intros and ideas about the job and hints about how much you make per hour in US dollars. But to get to the nitty gritty of the job, you need a paid webinar which usually includes personal coaching that later helps you land on a job and hit your first appointment setting. How much is the webinar? Somewhere from 5k to 8k. Or more.

Or you can do it on your own if you're an adventurer who likes to learn hit or miss. To get some basics, study some Youtube videos on it. I'd say watch intently 5 videos before you launch. As you apply for work and do the job you'd learn along the way until you master everything in due time. Sometimes you need to reinvent the wheel or invent to improve on the wheel everyone's acquainted with. Sample videos below.

Here's full training on the basics.

What's an appointment setter? 

Simply put, you contact people from your prospect list and set them for an appointment with your boss. Your boss does the selling. In some AS arrangements, you get a commission per prospect you send to your boss that buys. That's on top of your basic pay, which is somewhere around $5 to $10 an hour. Or more. 

Where do you get a boss? You apply to them as their VAS. Where?
What do you need to apply? Send your best resume, application letter and portfolio to the employers. I mean, do your best to come up with the best you can manage. If you're a high school or college dropout, put in your best relevant work experiences and job skills. If you don't have any experience yet, write the best application letter (along with your resume) you can compose and explain how you're willing to do everything that it takes to do the job position. 

Here's what you should do. Send your resume, letter and portfolio to 10 employers a day. Do this for 25 days. That's a total of 250 applications to 250 employers. That should do it. If you still don't get hired, do it again next month. And again. And again. Until you hit 3 WFH part-time VAS jobs. If each job pays you $5 an hour and you work 4 hours each, you get a total of $1,200 a month or Php 66,000 just working from home part-time. Not bad. You have plenty of free time left.


Just email me at choyscut@gmail.com and get an email back in 20 or 30 seconds with a download link to the e-books, "My Simple Secrets to Fitness" (100 pages) and "Beat Job Interviewers 10 Ways" (50 pages) which reveals what really goes on during interviews and shares 10 powerful keys to winning job interviews. They're both FREE! You also get my GCash details in case you decide to donate P100 (or any amount) for the two e-books to help my church ministry (I'm a self-supporting pastor). But with or without donation, the e-books are yours ๐Ÿ˜„.

Friday, February 23, 2024

What You Need to Know about Freelancing and Virtual Jobs

What do you do if you're running a small business in the US or any developed country, and your business is doing well so that running it alone becomes too burdensome for you? You hire an assistant. But paying an employee a minimum wage plus social security will be too much for a fledgling business. So you look for cheap labor. Where? Offshore, in some developing or underdeveloped country, like the Philippines, where a pay of US$ 500 to 1,000 a month is A LOT.

What's 1,000 dollars in the US? That's almost nothing, especially if your rent is 700 dollars a month, which would be rent for a small room. But here in the Philippines, that translates to Php 56k a month. Because you are a freelancer, the employer in the US can forget about your SS and other benefits required by law. You, Pinoy, are happy and content with your US$ 1,000, and your employer is happy with the cheap salary he is paying you.

That's freelancing and virtual job in the Philippines which have the potential to gradually and quietly create an underground economic boom very soon. A lot of freelancers who have become experts at this make something like US$ 3k to US$ 5k a month, and sometimes that's just for one client. Some freelancers manage to handle more than one.

Here's what astounds me about this. High school or college dropouts are making big money here, so are folks with carabao English. You would think that a gig like this requires good English. Nope. Because it's mostly scripted. I mean the appointment setter gig. You schedule prospects for appointments so sellers can meet with them. You do this solely on the chat box where you copy-paste most of your responses. So, no need to talk to anyone face-to-face in English. 

Other freelancing or virtual jobs involve light tasks like emailing, filing, documenting, chatting, and typing or encoding. Other heavier stuff include content writing, copywriting, graphic arts, video editing, admin assistance, and accounting, among other things. But all these generally eats up only about 3 to 4 hours of their time everyday. No wonder some freelancers can do 2 to 3 clients simultaneously and make US$ 5k a month or Php 280,000. A MONTH.

And these are high school dropouts. ๐Ÿ˜•

Some folks look for fulltime jobs with dollar monthly pays as employees of a US or multinational company, working from home (WFH). Well, it's either WFH all the time or reporting for work just a few times. Some work remotely (another term for WFH) for Pinoy companies getting paid Php 30k to Php 70k a month minus the hassles of daily commute. 

Definitely, the employment landscape is slowly but surely transforming and freelancing and virtual jobs will soon eliminate or delete traditional employment, and this is not to mention trends in online e-commerce and drop shipping. And what about the slow rise of affiliate marketing?

If you want to get hired quick online as a freelancer or virtual assistant or setter, click the link below for FREE information.

Thursday, February 22, 2024

New, Proven Tactics to Beat Job Interviews and Get Hired in Cool Ways

The trend today is being interviewed online through Zoom or Gmeet. I will discuss this in a later blog article. Still, there are companies who want to meet you in person aside from the biodata you sent through email. How do you beat face-to-face interviews?

Photo by Van Tay Media on Unsplash.

I'd put it more directly---how do you beat interviewers at their own game?

I've been into interviews for decades both as an applicant and an interviewer and yes, interviews are nothing but a game. Take them seriously but don't take them seriously ๐Ÿ˜…. Na-gets mo? I mean, interviews never killed anybody or totally wrecked careers or lives, so don't worry. Just prepare enough and then thoroughly relax during interview proper. Play with the interviewer while observing some interview decorum. The trick is to come up with a balance between the two---playing the game and being a bit serious about it, too.

Just a bit serious. We don't want to annoy interviewers with your drama.

Now here is the main thing. I have an e-book on how to beat interviewers at their own game, even making them play somewhat by your rules. You may even turn the tables and interview them or set the interview atmosphere to your liking. You call the shots, at the same time making the interviewer feel good, comfortable with you and in control of the whole thing.

It's a win-win situation. And it's not just my opinion or theory. Get the rest of the story in my e-book. This e-book (picture above) is based on my actual experiences as applicant and interviewer, being part of the hiring team of a big company, once upon a time. And I add some actual stories I heard from other interviewers and applicants. It's FREE!

How to get my FREE e-book? Simply email me at choyscut@gmail.com. You'd get a reply back in about 10 to 20 seconds with a link you click on to get to the free PDF download. You may opt to donate some money via my GCash to support my independent house church ministry, but don't worry. With or without donations you may get your FREE copy of the 50-page e-book and start conquering F2F job interview appointments. Bilisan mo na ๐Ÿ˜„. Wag na magisip.


Just email me at choyscut@gmail.com and get an email back in 20 or 30 seconds with a download link to the e-books, "My Simple Secrets to Fitness" (100 pages) and "Beat Interviewers: 10 Ways" (50 pages) which reveals what really goes on during interviews and shares 10 powerful keys to winning job interviews. 

They're both FREE! You also get my GCash details in case you decide to donate P40, P50, P100 (or any amount) for the two e-books to help my house-church ministry (I'm a self-supporting pastor). But with or without donation, the e-books are yours ๐Ÿ˜„.

Friday, January 26, 2024

Using Your Weakness for Power

Failures, frustrations, disappointments, fall-shorts, bad looks and even illnesses. Why does God allow them? If I had a sick dog I'd lose no time to take it to the veterinary clinic for a quick remedy. You can't stand seeing your pet suffering there continuously, can you? So why do some "bad lucks" linger and keep you failing at what you do and seem to do so forever? There must be a reason.

Photo by Japhin John on Unsplash.

And it should be a valid reason. The good news is, there is. Everything has a purpose, even negative things. Or perhaps I should say, especially negative things. Good things served you on a silver platter is all the reward you'd get. Nothing more will follow. Adversities, however, have bonuses, perks, incentives and residual benefits if you know how to use them. You must learn how to use your weakness for power.

Take advantage of your helplessness, unfitness, powerlessness, indisposition or low station in life. They're put there because God wants you to have power. The bible says "power is made perfect in weakness," and this is why we should feel blessed to be weak, despised, rejected or all of the above. For the bible adds, "When I am weak, then I am strong." No wonder Jesus emphasized how "the least among you is the greatest."

My book below will tell you more. Just click the image for details.

So much emphasis is on leadership today, so we see leadership seminars left and right and people eagerly grabbing seats. Everyone wants to be a leader because everyone wants position and power. I wonder why there are no followership seminars for leaders when the fact is good leaders should first be good followers.

Anyway, God is serious about his business of making the least the greatest through power in weakness. That's what true success is all about. It's not about advantages, positions, connections, money, possessions, titles or degrees. So if you think you're a loser or failure, you're blessed and favored if you see things as God sees them and act and live accordingly.

Through experience, I'm telling you there's nothing like using your weaknesses for power.


Just email me at choyscut@gmail.com and get an email back in 20 or 30 seconds with a download link to the e-books, "My Simple Secrets to Fitness" (100 pages) and "Beat Interviewers: 10 Ways" (50 pages) which reveals what really goes on during interviews and shares 10 powerful keys to winning job interviews. They're both FREE! You also get my GCash details in case you decide to donate P40, P50, P100 (or any amount) for the two e-books to help my church ministry (I'm a self-supporting pastor). But with or without donation, the e-books are yours ๐Ÿ˜„. 

5 Ways to Stop Being Stereotyped

If you're a genuine non-joiner like me, the last thing you want is to be lumped together with others as "usual" or "same ...