Saturday, January 31, 2015

Why Tea Persons Shine Under Pressure: Are You a Tea Person?
Do you love tea? I love tea--as long as it isn't derived from Camellia Sinensis which has caffeine. But it's the real tea. What I drink are teas from other sources--mangosteen, banaba, mornga, or camote tops. Or any tea without caffeine.

But I'm not talking about tea drinkers here. You can be a tea person without loving tea. Tea persons are folks who shine--or do lots better--when they're under pressure. They're also like volcanoes. They seem harmless and quiet until they erupt. Then you see their real nature--the one that's been kept inside. Tea people seem quiet, timid, and weak--until they find themselves in hot water.

With the right pressure, they either do better work or become so angry. Like tea--the hotter the water you pour on it, the stronger the extract you get. Have you tried pouring cold or boiling water on tea? Try and you'd see what I mean.

However, some tea persons have mastered their nature so that dormant, awesome or explosive, they manage to get people around to like them. Being a tea person, and strangely likable at that, is so powerful! For a powerful e-book on this, get my "How to be Easily Likable to Most People" for only US$8 (click here) or if you want to pay in pesos, only Php 350.00 (click here). As soon as you pay the amount, you will be sent to a webpage for the e-book download! So you get it a few seconds after you pay!

Tea persons take life easy. Don't people take tea when they want to relax? Teas are great relaxants. So are tea folks--they remain low profile as much as possible because they don't see why they have to stress themselves out over life--especially over greatness, achievements, proving themselves, or competition. They always work commensurate to their pay--no more no less. And they often reject pays higher than what they need if it entails working more.

Lazy? Tea folks are NOT lazy. They just want to take things easy. And if you've read Proverbs and Ecclesiastes, that's wisdom. Life is serious but why kill yourself over things Jesus said you have no control of? Why worry about tomorrow when today has enough concerns to take care of? Makes sense, doesn't it? But frankly, no one in the world (not even in church) believes this except tea persons.

Now, when you try to pressure tea folks, they go all-out. You'd see potential you haven't seen yet. That's why tea persons surprise (even shock) most people once they show what real potentials they have. They thought you were just quiet and meek and wouldn't amount to anything. And then boom! Then people who barely understand teas urge them to use their hidden potentials to excel and get rich! Each time these people see talent and potential, they always see a means to amass material possessions.

But if you're a tea person you'd know better--unless you turn into a softdrink person.


  1. great article... my one of new year reaolution is to enjoy drinking teas...

    1. Hi Karen! I recommend you try MX3 mangosteen tea. Yeah, teas are a good way to start 2015 on a healthy note! God bless!


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