Friday, March 13, 2015

Garcinia Cambogia Craze: Jinkee Pacquiao's Secret to Fast and Effective Slimming?

You may have seen Jinkee Pacquiao after losing 20 pounds in just a month! Since then, Garcinia Cambogia has become more popular in the fitness and wellness circles in the Philippines. A brand of Garcinia Cambogia was allegedly recommended to her by Hollywood celebrity Paris Hilton and other celebrities here and abroad followed suit.

The organic pumpkin-like fruit comes from Indonesia (also in Africa, Southeast Asia, and India) which is said to increase metabolism and fat burning by 318 percent, according to studies by the health research institution, UCLA, Los Angeles. Aside from effective and fast weight loss, it is also said to promote heart and digestive health and provides you with rich antioxidants vital for immune health and anti-aging.

The average fat loss is said to be 1 pound per week. In some cases, it could be more, especially when coupled with diet and exercise. But a lot of claims say you can lose weight with Garcinia Cambogia even without dieting or exercising! The product has 3 slimming actions:
  • Detox
  • Metabolism boost
  • Fat burning
  • Naturally suppresses appetite
Here are other benefits:

-Controls sugar cravings
-Regulates levels of Blood Sugar
-Lowers blood Cortisol levels
-Converts stored fat for fuel burning
-Increases serotonin levels
-Helps stabilize moods
-Lowers LDL cholesterol
-Inhibits or blocks Fat

Best of all, it is all-natural. No chemicals, additives, or preservatives.

There are a lot of Garcinia Cambognia brands, however. You have to choose what you think would best work for you, and what your money can afford. Here are some examples. Visit this link to check out Naturo Sciences Garcinia Cambogia Pure or Pure Garcinia Cambogia Extract.

CAUTION: Please check with your medical doctor about this product before you try it. This blog and the article writer will not be responsible for any undesirable effect. This article is merely for information sharing.

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