Thursday, March 19, 2015

Why Read Detective Fiction This Summer
I learned the joy of reading detective mystery books when I was in third year high school. Before that, I read only martial arts books even though my dad tried to lure me with the many books he kept buying on mysteries--books by Agatha Christie, Alfred Hitchcock, and Sherlock Holmes. He also bought Readers Digest monthly.

Finally, one hot summer, I just decided to pick up one Agatha Christie pocketbook and started reading. I was stunned to see myself finishing the whole book. Ordinarily, when it wasn't on martial arts, I easily fell asleep after reading 2 to 3 pages. But this time, I couldn't stop till I finished the whole thing. I told my dad about it and he looked so accomplished.

That started my reading journey. Since then, I gave my dad another problem--I was spending lots of money and time on reading. Fact was, I even came out of the restroom with piles of books in hand--after spending 2 hours in there reading books while doing what people usually did in restrooms. I almost completely neglected my college course in favor of reading various books, and that made my dad worry.

Now, why read detective fiction this summer?

Simple--so you'd turn out better intellectually equipped come the new school year. And why detective fiction? Because books like this keep you in suspense and asking for more. Never a dull or boring moment. And you get everything--suspense, thriller, mystery, action, romance, and comedy. Well, if you're not a student anymore, it helps you better perform in your career. Here are reasons why:

  • It helps you develop analysis and logical thinking
  • Develops your attention for detail
  • Helps you think sharply and smartly
  • It challenges your reasoning and problem solving ability
  • It makes you more alert and aware
  • It makes you more observant and thorough
  • Broadens your imagination
  • Enriches your vocabulary and improves grammar
  • Helps you write better
  • You get to travel "around the world" without leaving home
In fact, I got lots of managerial positions in companies owing greatly to my reading habit more than my schooling--I didn't have any school credentials, actually. 

And there's no better time to indulge in reading than in summer when you have more time for hobbies and adventures. Here's a site on mystery-detective e-books to checkout.

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