Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Why Some People Get Fatter in Summer

Summer is supposed to be lose-weight month. You should be losing weight because of the heat. Don't you hear people say they'd lose weight this summer and make up for all the calories and fat they gained in December? But why is it they gain even more weight in summer and then say they aim to lose weight after summer when the rainy days come.

But guess what happens in the rainy days? It's cold and the appetite seem more active and ravenous so that even a simple dish of fried rice and dried fish (tuyo) make you finish 2 to 3 rounds of helpings. So you gain more weight and aim to lose weight (promise!) during the coming semestral break. And the vicious cycle goes on.

End result? No weight loss. Just weight gain--and even in summer. We wonder, what went wrong here?

I see only one thing clearly--the talk was never walked. When summer approaches, we're full of noble plans because we see how we'll have more free time to workout physically. But when summer actually comes, we get trapped in so much fun, outings--and more fun and outings--that we soon consume all our summer days without leaving enough for our planned workouts.

So, some people get fatter in summer.

What's more, outings are when we prepare delicious foods for picnic. You hardly see folks go out for picnics bringing nothing but vegetable salad or boiled tofu. What we do is bring the most delicious foods our money can buy--porkchops, costly fish, prime beef, cakes and pasties, and the like. And seldom do we drink pure and bitter green tea. We drink beverages loaded with sugar and caffeine.

Thus, no matter how we try working out to lose weight, we gain more than lose anything. Again, you see, it's all about not walking the talk. That's the main problem.

We can enjoy summer and delicious food without compromising our fitness aims. The key here is discipline. You see, every solution is simple:

  • Walk the talk
  • Discipline
Just focus on these two things this summer. You think you can do that? If you can, expect a new you on June. It's Choy's Cut for summer. Here are some tips how to drop the fat this summer!

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