Thursday, July 2, 2015

DON'T STAY LONGER THAN 2 MONTHS WITH AN INEFFECTIVE WORKOUT: Innovate to Come Up with Something that Works
If you've been doing a workout for 2 months without good results, it's probably time to switch to a new workout program or supplement the one you're presently doing. I've seen some folks who've been doing a workout program for a year or two without visible results and yet keep at it.

It's either you need to change the program you're doing or add something to it. It may be lacking an element that would make it effective. For instance, if your crunch isn't making your abs look any better, you probably need to add some horizontal bar abs-tensioning rounds for a supplement. It's when you hang on a bar and raise your legs slowly to waist level and down, and so on.

I've seen folks jog for years to reduce their waistlines to no avail. If you do that for two months without results, you probably need to improvise. I once did 50 push-ups daily. Though it strengthened my arms and quickened my jabs, no muscle improvement was evident. Later, I learned I needed to do it in 4 sets. When I did, the results were amazing.

Even with the Look AHEAD study data, they found out that 2 months of Intensive Lifestyle Intervention or ILI which amounted to no satisfactory weight loss results may be a sign that the workout program either needs improvements or additions or total replacement with a better ILI.

Accordingly, the first two months are crucial. They can indicate whether a program is working or not, and whether it will work in the future if you keep doing it. If a program doesn't work for you in two months, it will probably not work for you at all even if you do it for a hundred years.
To avoid wasting time and energy on something that wouldn't work with physical fitness, apply the same Look AHEAD principle. Try a program seriously for 2 months. If it works, keep at it. If it doesn't, innovate or try a new one.

By the way, pull-ups on horizontal bars is a good way to achieve cheap health and fitness with middle income budget. Make your home-made horizontal bar and start pulling up. I have one in my garage and it wonderfully helps me keep fit.

If you want a good intro on pull-ups, watch the FREE video here!

To see easily installed doorway pull-up bars, see the video below:

To buy doorway pull-up bars, visit this link!

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