Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Calorie Burning Heart Enzymes
These are natural enzymes in the body that burn calories and help you lose weight. One is called cardiac natriuretic peptides. Researchers discovered how they turned white fat cells that stored energy into "energy-burning brown fat," according to the site WebMD. Well, so far, they saw this in mice.

But some researchers believe that what's possible with mice can often be possible with humans.

Brown fats are like furnaces in the body, burning calories instead of just storing them to add on to your weight. If the heart enzymes could turn human white fat cells into brown fat, then this could lead into a great breakthrough in weight loss, says Sheila Collins, PhD and researcher at Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute in Orlando, Fla.

Moreover, the heart enzyme fat-burning action could work together with the fat storage and regulation of the adrenaline system to further weight loss. And what cold stimulate brown fat to burn more calories?

By exposure to cold. As simple as that.

Simply stay in cold places--aircon rooms or malls--and wait for your body metabolism to burn more calories. Accordingly, in cold places nearing shivering conditions, metabolic rate increases by 80 percent and could burn about 250 calories in merely 3 hours. That's brown fat burning your ordinary fat and helping you lose weight literally "without a sweat."

Here are other ways to stimulate brown fat:
  • Just eat enough, not over-starving or over-stuffing yourself.
  • Eat apples. Ursolic acid in apple peel boosts brown fat in mice. Probably the same in humans.
  • Exercise.
  • Lower room temperature.
  • More melatonin production by sleeping in the dark!
Keeping cool. Now, that's cheap health and fitness with middle income budget!

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