Wednesday, October 7, 2015

How to Kick Out FLU with Zero Antibiotics
When the weather changes, viruses are on the go. They're active in the air. And once you "catch" them accidentally, you start feeling sick. I don't know how one "catches" them exactly, but that's how they put it. You catch flu.

Well, then just play a game of football. If you happen to catch the virus, kick it away as far as possible, even beyond the home goal. No, even beyond the stadium. Kick it out of your life! How do you do this? I found a way of doing so without having to take antibiotics.

But before you try this at home, consult your doctor first. Okay?

In my case, I've grown tired of taking antibiotics when I have flu and severe colds and cough. Taking antibiotics kills both good and bad bacteria in your stomach. Some doctors make you take it to get rid of the bacteria in your lungs or throat that trigger the severe cold and cough.

The flu virus simply takes care of itself. Viral diseases are self-limiting. They stay active in your body only for a limited time and then disappear--or transfer--after your immune system has finally managed to combat it. Antibiotics don;t kill viruses. They kill bacteria.

So, to get rid of cold and cough especially during a flu, what I do are the following:
  • Take sodium ascorbate regularly. I take it 2 to 3 times a day.
  • Take lots of water. A tall glass of it per hour.
  • Take fresh fruit juice like kalamansi.
  • Take ginger and/or turmeric ale now and then.
  • Gargle with warm water and vinegar (better if organic vinegar).
  • Take natural health supplements. I take mangosteen supplements.
  • Eat fresh fruits. 
The cold and cough last only about 2 or 3 days and then you start breathing normally again. The runny nose stops. The cough minimizes. The fever subsides and then stops--bacteria from thick phlegm can aggravate fever. 

Without taking synthetic antibiotics, you save the good bacteria in your tummy. Remember, good bacteria in your tummy aids healthy digestive system. Your immune system depends on it some 70 percent. 

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