Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Never Do These 3 Things if You Don't Want to Destroy Your Health

Never do these 3 things if you don't want to destroy your health. And don't think these are optional.

Even some fitness buff often fail in this. More so those who don't give a damn about fitness, whatsoever. The buffs do all the workouts and observe the strictest diets--and keep fit--and yet keep doing 3 things they shouldn't be doing if they want to stay healthy--get so busy, always be in a rush and prefer anything instant.

1. So Busy

Most people today are helplessly addicted to this--keeping themselves so busy. I've seen how they consider it mortal sin to relax and simply hang around now and then. If they see you relaxing, you're dead meat. They want everyone around them busy as they are.

Don't be like that. Get busy with things that really matter but never get so busy always. It will kill you. So-busy will stress you up so much (that's what it does to millions of people today) and produce countless free radicals in you that destroy your body.

2. Rushing

Because they're so busy, most people are always rushing. They have to finish this and that in the next minute. They feel happy when they have to beat deadlines scheduled for yesterday. Keep feeding yourself stress like this everyday and it will wreck your health and shorten your lifespan, making you a frequent guest at hospitals (and making doctors richer) sooner or later.

3. Instant Anything

Instant products and fast food are mostly very unhealthy (like instant noodles and juice drinks) and people who love them will go to their early graves fast, even instantly. Often find time to cook natural food. And when you get used to instant things your patience shortens. Impatience can be a very dangerous thing for your health eventually. NO kidding.

Here's the Simple Remedy!

The remedy is to live life to the full each moment. Relax and keep cool. Often, this means taking your time (and getting God's timing). That puts your patience in tiptop shape--and it's for FREE! You don't need to spend a cent--perfect for your cheap health and fitness with middle income budget.

Remember these:
What do people get for all the toil and anxious striving with which they labor under the sun? All their days their work is grief and pain; even at night their minds do not rest. This too is meaningless. [Ecclesiastes 2.22-23]
I know that there is nothing better for people than to be happy and to do good while they live. [Ecclesiastes 3.12]

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