Monday, November 23, 2015

Things that Make You Think Slower
Nobody wants to be a slow thinker, right? Well, let me think............

If you find yourself thinking less effectively (and less correctly) than before--and you're not yet 40 like I am (wait, am I 40 or 50?)--it's probably something else than age that makes you like that.

Pondering is a different thing from slow thinking, mind you. Pondering (as against brooding, another different word) is healthy.

Actually, being 40, 50 or 60 should not automatically make you less mentally sharp. Truth is, the brain is designed to grow more as we age, not shrink. But why does it sometimes shrink and lead to mental illnesses like dementia? 

It's because of some things around us we're not aware of. Like the following:

Tap Water. Tap water is better than purified or distilled water. But the problem is, tap water sometimes have fluoride. Fluoride lowers your IQ, says experts. For water with no fluoride, having it undergo reverse osmosis filtration works. But this may also eliminate water minerals. So, how about balancing them?

Fake Sweeteners. A lot of commercialized and fast foods (or junk foods) have artificial or fake sweeteners. They cause brain cell death. So next time, use real food as sweeteners like wild honey, muscovado or stevia. If you can't afford them (and since we're after cheap health and fitness with middle income budget) try brown sugar--for a while.

Sweet Food. Watch out for foods rich in sugar or high in fructose corn syrup. These things cause the brain to shrink. So cut down on your sweet desserts like cakes and ice creams. 

GMO. GMOs and processed foods can cause omega-3 fats in the brain to become rancid and toxic.

Pesticides and Herbicides in Vegetables. Make sure your vegetables and fruits are not "rich" in chemical pesticides and herbicides. 

Alcoholism. Too much alcohol (some say even a little alcohol) in the blood wrecks your brain neurons. Just drink fresh fruit juices.

Cellphones. Electromagnetic radiation from mobile phones and the like intervene with DNA activity in your brain cells that can lead to brain dysfunction. So just read more books and talk with friends in person.

Deodorants. Aluminum in deodorants and other antiperspirants can collect heavy metal toxins in your brain. So, just take a bath everyday. 

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