Monday, January 11, 2016

Hate Exercise? How to Prod Yourself to Start Exercising this Month [Part 3]
Here's Part 2

So, how did you find climbing up and down stairs? Have you tried it? It may make you feel like an idiot at first, but think about it's cardiovascular health benefits. And that exercise will toughen your bones.

Here's another tip on how to prod yourself to start exercising this month--especially if you don't feel like exercising or you just plain hate it.

Raise your knees as high as you can.

Do it one knee at a time, of course.

It's so simple it wouldn't feel like you're exercising at all. Just stand up and raise one knee, as high as you can. Then do the same with the other. Keep doing it till you can't do it anymore.

That's all. Is that too hard?
Better if you can lift your knees while sitting, like the illustration on the left.

Knee lifting works out your body trunk, belly and legs. It also improves your balance. It strengthens your heart and lungs because it's an aero workout, especially if you do it faster as you progress.

You can do it in your bedroom, your living room, kitchen, in the comfort room or even at the office. Just stand up and raise your knees. That's it!

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