Monday, April 25, 2016

Oily Face? Have You Had Skin Oxygen Therapy?

It's not so much the oily face as it is the dirt and microscopic debris that stick to your face and insert themselves into the corners of your nose and other parts of your face.

Then the fact that often, you can't wash your face properly when you're out and merely wiping off your face with a hanky doesn't suffice.

And did you know that often washing your face can irritate your facial skin?

So what do you do?

Answer--Skin Oxygen Therapy.

If you haven't tried skin oxygen therapy yet, you're forfeiting your face of a lot of proper skin care, cleaning and convenience. But you can now pamper your face with O2 Bubble Cleanser.

You get a refreshing face wash without actually washing your face, and you can do it anywhere you are, even right amid heavy traffic with all the smoke and dust irritating your skin.

Simply spray it on your face, gently rub, and your face feels fresh and the oiliness gone. It's bubbly creamy so it's not messy. Best part is, it's for all types of skin. It comes in easy-to-carry spray bottles you can conveniently keep in your bag or purse.

In case you want to buy, and you live in Metro Manila, just comment below.

Watch the video below for more skin care products.

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