Wednesday, May 4, 2016

How Leg Workouts Workout Your Tummy Effectively
FITNESS. It's been my theory actually since I was in college---working out your legs is a vital part of working out your tummy. A lot of "experts" laughed at me then and I could do nothing because I had no "expert' to back up my claim.

My muscles weren't bulky---they still aren't. Many folks think you become a fitness expert only if you look like Incredible Hulk.

But I went on doing my theory---worked out my legs. In fact, it's among my favorite body part to workout.

And then this guy comes along on Youtube. He's an expert. I mean, just look at his muscles and I'm sure you won't doubt that he's one hell of an expert.

And he says, it's vital to workout several other muscle groups around your tummy to effectively workout your tummy---like the leg muscle group. What he calls compound workouts.

And I'm telling you, leg workouts like squats are among the best exercises. I prefer it to running, although you should also jog and brisk walk regularly.

Squats work out your back muscles, tummy, thighs, forelegs as well as heart and lungs. What more should you ask for?

That's why my major workout these days is really a combi of squats, push-ups, pull-ups and jogs. Plus my martial arts shadow boxing. That's it.

Notice something there? I don't use any workout equipment, save my horizontal bar and martial arts sticks.

Here's the expert guy on Youtube:

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