Friday, May 6, 2016

How Your Water Intake Should be in Your 50s
HEALTH. Here's what I learned lately---when you're middle aged, you should begin to watch your water intake, the same way you begin to watch what you eat.

Age slows down your body as well as your body organs, no matter how healthy you are. So sometimes, your water intake when you were young does not work anymore now that you're in your 50s.

You should drink fluids according to how your body can manage them.

If you drink a lot at a time, your body may find it difficult to manage it, especially if you're not moving around a lot anymore. Like me---since I have been writing full-time as a content writer and blogger (and not been moving around a lot as I used to), confined to my desk most of the time---and yet drink a lot of water---some form of water retention happened.

It's what they call dependent edema, one cause of which is sitting in a chair for a long time. If that happens on a daily basis, it may lead to health problems, like edema.

So, what I do now is do more aero workouts---aside from my squats and brisk walks. I should do these a lot more during the day and watch out that I don't get immobile and confine myself the rest of the day in my chair typing.

Another thing, you should drink just enough water at a time. Don't drink a loadful at any one time. Distribute it during the day.

Here's what you may want to consider to get rid of edema. Ask your nephrologist about it.

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