Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Eat Zero Fatty Food and Replace with Carb Food? Here's Why This Won't Work

I've seen lots of people cut out on their fatty food intake and instead eat a lot of carbohydrates like bread, rice, pasta and cakes. They think, as long as they cut out on fatty food and compensate by eating more carbs, they will lose weight and flatten their belly.

Sometimes, they also cut out on their meat.

On the contrary, you gain more weight by doing that and thicken your belly fat.

More carbs means higher sugar in the blood  and therefore poorer insulin function. And poor insulin function makes your belly fat thicker. Therefore, you gain more weight. Worse, the more belly fat you have, the poorer your insulin function, and so on. The vicious cycle goes on.

So, how about fats?

Eating enough fatty food helps balance hormones---and especially regulate fat-burning hormones. Many people don't know this. Learn to choose the right fats in your diet.

Here are some of them: Nuts (almonds, cashews, walnuts), whole eggs, seeds, avocado, fatty fish (tuna, mackerel, salmon, trout) and of course, olive oil.

And I want to make a special mention here---coconut oil.

Coconut oil is the healthiest cooking oil next to olive oil. But olive oil is too expensive for most of us. So, I often opt for coconut cooking oil.

Someone asked me---how about fatty pork chops and fatty fried chicken skins? Are they good fats, too?

With all the steroids and antibiotics they inject into pigs and chickens, I'd say avoid them as much as possible. But reality is, you often can't, especially if you often eat out. But I stay away from them as much as I can.

They aren't good fat.

I'd rather you ate eggs. But ask your doctor about all this first.

Here's what fats and carbs do to your body:

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