Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Harvard Study Says Chicken Skin is Healthy!
You used to take off chicken skin because doctors and nutritionists said it's bad for your heart. So, with broken hearts we did so, stripping the golden brown and juicy skin from our roasted or grilled chicken and couldn't believe we were actually throwing away all that goodness into the trash.

And we wondered why God made chicken skin so delicious just so we could throw it all away.

But a new Harvard study says chicken skin is actually good for your health---to be specific, your heart health. It says most of the fatty part of chicken skin (the most mouthwatering one) is unsaturated and healthy for the heart. And that's according to studies done by the Harvard School of Public Health, no less.

Unsaturated fat can lower your cholesterol and blood pressure, the Harvard school said, according to an article on The Daily Meal site titled "Doctor's Got It All Wrong!" So, if the study is correct (I'm waiting for another "study" to contradict this---all these health "experts" are like that), you can now enjoy chicken skin now and then.

Well, anything in excess is bad, so don't have chicken skin each meal, every day.

The study also said that chicken skin remaining intact keeps the meat moist during cooking, keeping all  the flavor intact as well. Thus, you need less salt. And no need for breading either which is just extra carbs, anyway.

But here's the catch---chicken meat and skin have more omega 6 than other animal meats. That's a potential inflammation problem if you eat too much of them. And inflammation can give you a lot of deadly diseases.

As I've said, anything in excess is bad.

The Choy's cut bottom line here? Eat chicken just once in a while.

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