Thursday, June 15, 2017

How Ceramide Prevents Skin Dryness, Irritation and Wrinkles

You see, it's fun being a blogger because you learn lots of new things as you research. Like this skin fat called ceramide. Did you know that enough of ceramides in your skin prevents skin dryness, irritation and wrinkles? Because clinical studies reveal that when ceramide levels in your skin fall, your skin begins to dry up and be easily damaged.

If I had known this in college I would have been saved from lots of skin irritations and problems. But there was no internet yet and Google hadn't been born. So what happened was I went to this medical doctor who prescribed a skin product with steroids, and the rest is (sad) history.

Anyway (sob), ceramide is naturally found in the outer layer of the skin and helps it retain moisture. And moisture helps protect our skin a lot. Ceramides are skin lipids (fats) that keep skin structure intact. In other words, they "glue" surface skin cells so they're closely knit. That results to smooth, velvety skin with small skin pores.

Without ceramides, surface skin becomes vulnerable to infections, germs, irritants, chemicals, the negative effects of sudden environmental changes, and easily affected by aging. That's bad news especially for sensitive skin. What's needed is replenishment of ceramides so that skin retains its natural protective moisture and skin pores are mended to prevent being compromised. Healthy skin pores prevent pimples and acnes.

Though ceramides are naturally existing in the skin and spinal marrow, they can also be derived from plants. Spinach, soy, rice and wheat are good examples of these sources. Coming from plants, they are called phytoceramides. They can replace displaced skin ceramides.

But where do we get phytoceramides or ceramide replenishment? For more on this, click here.

Treating a Toxic Person to Lunch? Here's What You Should Order.

It seems there are more toxic people today than ever before. They're everywhere. So, if you happen to eat lunch with one and you get to ...