Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Why It's Sometimes Useless to Watch What You Eat and Better to Just Eat Anything

We've been told a  lot of times by health experts---watch what you eat. You are what you eat. OK, I watch what I eat. And then what? Often, that's all that happens---I watch the tons of food I eat. And most times they are unhealthy food, and I can't do anything about it. It's either I eat them or starve.

You know what I mean?

If you're in the lower middle income group in Manila (and most of us are), or if you have no time to cook and just buy cooked food most times, you have this experience everyday. You eat anything affordable and often you eat unhealthy food. Yup, even the vegetables you eat are either totally unhealthy or have zero nutrition (except fibers). So, you can no longer brag about being vegetarian or vegan because the vegetables you eat are unhealthy---except if you planted and cooked them yourself and used everything organic. But then again, how sure are you that the soil in your backyard is not acidic?

Vegetables and Fruits You Buy are No Longer the Answer

I used to watch what I ate and most times I ate only vegetables. I thought I was getting healthier. But I noticed that I easily got sick, and I couldn't figure it out. How could meals of vegetables and fruits still make me easily get sick with cold and cough and the flu? Then I discovered that most vegetables and fruits you buy today have almost zero nutrition. All you get are fibers, but even that gets spoiled by chemicals they put in food.

Yup, the "fresh" vegetables you bought at the supermarket or wet market were bombarded with chemicals before harvest, both fertilizers and pesticides, to keep them looking good. And vegetables and fruits raised up using chemicals get less and less nutritious. That's a fact. Then consider handling and transport when a lot more nutrition evaporate. And then add to that how most farm animals today for butchering are mostly injected with antibiotics and steroids, plus the fact that most foods offered in canteens, carinderias and restaurants are cooked with chemical ingredients as well.

Chemicals in Everything, Everywhere

Watch what you eat? And then what? Can you rid your food of all the chemicals it was exposed to or bombarded with? And anyway, food kept in supermarkets too long lose their nutrition. How do you know if the food you bought hasn't been kept there for weeks or months? Chemical preservatives can make them miraculously look fresh despite their long exposure. But you get mostly only chemicals from them.

So I often just eat what's available. I eat anything, but I make sure I eat balanced. If I eat all meat at lunch, I eat raw camote tops at night. Or I eat lots of fruits (for the fibers) and take my apple cider vinegar (for good bacteria)---and of course my other supplements, like powerful  (but safe and all-natural) Veron supplements my wife has been selling.

The Real Answers

Yup, the answer today is really supplementing, NOT watching what you eat---unless you have the means to harvest really fresh and organic vegetables right from your own backyard garden and slaughter animals from your backyard farm as well---animals fed with natural food without synthetic feeds. And this you eat 24/7. I sell an organic liquid fertilizer, Rapha Humus, for soil and plants so I and my family can enjoy zero-chemical vegetables. I also sell organically fertilized soil compost. If you want to start your own home organic vegetable garden (and you live in Quezon City), you may buy these soil and plant supplements from me. Just use the Contact Form or email me at choysblog@gmail.com.

Like us on Less Busy Personaligy.

You can start your containerized organic vegetable garden even if you have limited space at home. We will help you get ideas on this and we even have seminars in the near future to tackle on the technology of raising vegetables in small containers at home and how to grow your plants in them organically. So email me now if interested to join our organic home gardening cause.

But if you have no time for organic home gardening, then you need to supplement. You need to protect yourself from chemical-bombarded food on a daily basis, plus protection against stress, pollution and viruses. Take natural Vitamin C, the non-acidic type. What I and my wife take is Vital-C capsules. It's non-acidic sodium ascorbate. Also, watch this video for health and fitness.

So the thing is to supplement. Wellness supplements are no longer optional. They are a must if you want to save yourself from deadly illnesses caused by our chemicalized environment and chemicalized food industries.

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