Thursday, February 17, 2022

Does Old Age Have to Make You Old?

Ageing does matter, but not growing old.

Just age, don't grow old. That's what my inner self (IS) once told me. And by "age" my IS meant this---stages of an individual's development---which I remember reading somewhere but where exactly escapes me now. The keyword there is "development." That's how we should age. Or getting to your best quality, like aged wine. I like what I saw on the Merriam-Webster site:
To acquire a desirable quality (such as mellowness or ripeness) by standing undisturbed for some time.

Photo by Ignacio AmenĂ¡bar on Unsplash


Methinks that's the keyword, undisturbed. Like wine kept in barrels and placed in cellars, away from light and the elements, we too should remain "undisturbed" as much as possible. We need to build a "cellar" of refuge and seek sanctuary there. It's not about secluding yourself from the world but keeping undisturbed even amid the hustle and bustle of it all. 

And no one's going to do this for you or give you space for it. You have to aim to be undisturbed in your mind while you go about daily life in the physical. This is the first and most important thing if you don't want to grow old. You achieve this, the other benefits of aging well will follow.

Click the image above for more info on my fitness e-book.

How do you maintain being undisturbed? 

      • God - a non-negotiable.
      • wife - she's one flesh with me.
      • family - immediate family.
      • ministry - includes business. Business is part of my ministry.
I can get angry (why not), but most times I just ignore things that piss me off. I want emotional assets, not liabilities. This is why I manage to be unemotional even when I'm "angry," like being cold-blooded, able to attack without pity yet with zero emotions. The more I avoid being angry. I often opt to be undisturbed.
  • Put limits. Limit how much you spend on people and things so you have more than enough for God and family. This includes time, privacy, emotions, care, involvement, listening, etc. I even put limits on distance--how close people can get to me. Anyway, it serves well with the Covid pandemic. More than enough privacy safeguards being undisturbed, although you can maintain your limits even in the midst of a noisy, pushy crowd. It takes practice.

  • Be less busy. People invent a lot of "urgencies" in their lives and end up addicts of busyness. They can't live life without being busy (or pretending to be one) and have lost all remembrance of how it is to be relaxed. Rest, relaxation and calm are all vital ingredients of nurturing an undisturbed disposition. And maintain your stress level to minimal. Opt for healthy stresses.

  • Workout. I regularly workout and meditate to empower my focus, self-control, patience and other character-strengthening traits. Martial arts training helps a lot. For instance, I have developed being very keen on guarding my surroundings while relaxing and keeping calm. This ensures being undisturbed even in risky places.

  • De Gustibus non Disputandum Est. Live and let live. Kanya-kanyang trip yan at walang basagan ng trip. If someone has a different opinion, or you think he's wrong and you're right, keep your mouth shut. Keep your intelligence to yourself, except if it's a matter of life or death, or if the guy asks you your opinion. Correctness is often subjective. Keep away from stupid arguments. Treasure your undisturbed spirit more.

Warn them before God against quarreling about words; it is of no value, and only ruins those who listen. [2 Timothy 2.14]

Yup, the bible is very pro-calm. God has lots of passages on preserving your undisturbed mode intact at all times.


A well life is a prosperous life--spiritual, physical, mental, emotional, social and financial. And it's hard to get this well-rounded health if you lack the money to sustain it. As the bible says, money is the answer for everything. It's a good servant if you let it serve you. Thus, I invite you to watch this FREE video on my "Vention" blog about earning a living by making money work for you. Pls. click here.

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