Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Why Two Meals of Green Leafy a Day are a Must

It's not just for dietary fibers (so you'd get healthier digestive system) and it's not just for getting the nutritious benefits of fresh green leafy vegetables (so you'd get Phytochemicals and antioxidants to fight off deadly diseases like cancer).

Here are two reasons why two meals of green leafy a day is a must:

1. Brain health. Rush University researchers in Chicago did a study on 950 senior citizens and found that green leafy eaters had less chances of getting dementia. According to the leader of the research team, Martha Clare Morris: "...increasing consumption of green leafy vegetables could offer a very simple, affordable and non-invasive way of potentially protecting your brain from Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.”

2. Delay Dying. It's not just about delaying the effects of age but delaying dying. According to Mercola.Com eating green leafy vegetables "lowers your risk of dying prematurely by a whopping 42 percent! Moreover, it says that eating just 5 to 7 servings of veggies and fruits a day lowers risks of dying from any health-related causes by 36 percent.

Now, what could be more important healthwise in this life than to have healthy brain and long healthy life?

Of course, eating green leafy vegetables has lots of other health benefits because they are rich in micro-nutrition.

But why just 2 meals a day?

Well, you may eat 3 to 4 times of green leafy vegetables a day. Why not? I recommend a minimum of 2 because many people are not used to eating that much vegetables. They can start with 2 meals a day.

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