Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Why Your Face Needs Facial Refreshment

WELLNESS. Do you treat your face to some refreshments now and then?

We understand it well when our bodies need refreshment. And the refreshment it mostly needs is rehydration. So we drink cool tall drinks of freshly squeezed fruits.

But few of us understand facial refreshment. We forget that the face is very much a part of us as the body is, and what the body needs it also needs.

The body needs nourishment and exercise. So does the face. The body needs to be refreshed. So does the face.

Facial refreshment is essential especially when you're out in the streets exposed to the sun, dust, smoke and the elements. Without proper facial skin care like facial refreshments, your face often suffers skin cell death.

So you need to treat your skin with the refreshments it needs to relieve it of stress and contamination or infection,

But you can't be washing your face now and then.

That's why 02 Bubble cleanser is the best handy solution. You just keep a small spray bottle of it in your bag and you can get facial refreshments anywhere you are, anytime you want it. It effectively hydrates and rejuvenates your skin through its special oxygen therapy and essentials that relieve skin of dead cells, sebum (skin oiliness) and other excess debris and impurities.

If you want to buy, and you live in Metro Manila, just comment below or contact me.

For more, watch this video:

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