Saturday, July 16, 2016

The Super Vitamin in Kamote Tops You Probably Don't Know Of
The popular sweet potato crop or locally known as kamote in itself is packed with super nutrition. cholesterol and fat free, sweet potatoes are rich in Vitamins B6, D and C. They contain enough iron, potassium and magnesium.

Similar to carrots, they're also rich in beta-carotene (and I'd prefer eating boiled kamote than boiled carrots anytime). Beta-carotene is the precursor your body needs to process Vitamin A.

But then that's not all. Look at kamote leaves.

Louisiana State University Agricultural Center researchers have found that both mature and young kamote leaves are rich in ascorbic acid or Vitamin C, especially the young leaves and buds. Mature leaves are rich in riboflavin (Vitamin B2) and Vitamin B6.

Now, Riboflavin is what really makes kamote tops so special. It helps supply the body with energy from the carbohydrates you eat. In addition, it serves as a powerful antioxidant that fights free radicals in the body and protects your DNA from damage. It also slows down aging.

Just imagine Riboflavin plus Vitamin C in combination!

But remember, what vitamins you get from kamote tops are water soluble---meaning, your body cannot store them so you got to eat kamote tops everyday.

I love to eat sweet potato tops almost daily because they help my digestion and bowel movement. Anyway, they're so cheap---even free if you plant them in your backyard.

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