Thursday, July 14, 2016

This Exercise Reduces Nervousness During Emergencies
Have you ever wondered why your breathing becomes rapid during emergencies? You suddenly find yourself in an emergency and your nervousness and heavy breathing minimizes your courage to face up to it.

Imagine if you can have minimal nervousness and normal breathing during a confrontation. You look cool and unperturbed even if the situation is already intense and everyone involved is ready to explode in anger---and there's danger lurking somewhere.

Don't you like that cool disposition?

Well, it can be possible if you do this exercise---squats.

You may also do other aero exercise to achieve this, but squats are the best. Squats strengthen your leg muscles so that they remain firm even under stress (emergencies tend to weaken our legs) and squats also strengthen your heart and lungs. They also enable you to easily control your breathing.

Do 20 squat repetitions in 4 sets initially, and then gradually increase. But you should consult your doctor first.

Another good exercise to reduce nervousness and difficulty breathing during emergencies is going up and down high stairs. Again, ask your physician about this first.

So, if you want to be in control of your emotions, breathing and look calm and cool even amid tension or extreme emergencies, do your squats regularly.

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