Thursday, August 11, 2022

What If You Get Pinned by Debris in an Earthquake?

After the earthquake last 27th of July, 2022 (Wednesday at 8.43 am), while holding tight to my fresh mug of coffee (I couldn't stand seeing the coffee spilling. I mean, I just finished making it) I immediately reflected about getting pinned amid debris. What if the entire floor pavement above collapsed on me? What if I were in a 30-story building and the tremor happened and the whole building started crumbling? No kidding.

Photo by Sarah Crego on Unsplash.

I have strong and picturesque imagination, so I tried to internalize the scene. A magnitude 7 jolts the ground and immediately the concrete roof caves in. I mean, a mere split second. Suddenly, I'm right in the middle of all the debris, pinned down in a tiny gaping hole among huge chunks of broken concrete and steal, narrowly sparing me from being crushed. What then?

At once I tried to recall safety measures I learned from street self defense and survival trainings I attended or saw on video. Yup, you heard right. Street self-defense shouldn't be all about fighting. It should be about street safety et al. How to keep yourself safe in emergencies like terrorism, street rumbles, fires, earthquakes, the like. Yeah, like an intelligence or special forces operative.

ALWAYS Keep Alert

It can't be overemphasized. No matter how nice the day is or high ecstatic you are about God's goodness and mercy (and you feel so blessed), always keep alert and ready for deadly action nonetheless. I've made this my life rule. Never be caught off guard. Thus, wearing ear or headphones is a big no-no, anytime of the day. 

I always tell young folks how stupid disengaging themselves from the present is and getting mentally lost somewhere, especially when you're out in the streets. When danger like an earthquake starts, you need instant alertness. Every second counts. No room for lapses or excuses.

Triangle of Life

Rescuers reportedly often find wee spaces among rubbles where a safe refuge is available. If you fit yourself into that space and an entire concrete slab above you falls, there's a big chance you'd be untouched inside that triangular free space they call Triangle of Life. Curl yourself in there. They have discovered survivors in the triangle almost unscratched. It's located right beside a step or stair, or a firm, low furniture, or even the corner where the wall and floor meet.

So, when a big tremor hits and you have nowhere safe to go, dock at once and stay alert, then look for this triangle around you and go to it. Get something strong to cover your head with, like a hard-cover book, pillow, small board or your shoulder bag. Or use your hands if nothing else is available.

Keep Basics Handy

I always have my clutch bag with me when I'm out. I have my very basic stuff in it--emergency meds, alcohol, tissue or bandage, a penlight, my smartphone, a whistle and a small bottle of water. And I can use the bag as cushion to protect my head with. But I often hand-carry a bigger water bottle, 250 or 500 ml. I also have a sturdy, metal ball pen or anything strong and pointed (not a knife, and something small enough to fit my bag) for self defense and survival, in case I need to carve or dig on something for extrication. Keep things small, light, basic and simple. 

A whistle is crucial (actually all the above are) for two things: calling for help during street troubles and calling attention if you find yourself trapped in any way, like pinned by debris in an earthquake. Whistles also come handy for warning or shooing crooks away from their victims or foolishness. 

Know the Safest Places

Take time to learn on the spot the safest places to go during troubles. So, as much as you can, always be aware of your surroundings and study them a bit. You cannot do an exhaustive survey, of course, but give it your best shot. When entering any building, for instance, always pinpoint where the fire escapes are. How many guards at the entrance. Do they look alert or carefree?

If you have no choice but to go home late at night, opt to walk where guarded establishments are located. Some businesses and warehouses are guarded round the clock (they have night shift guards) as well as some subdivisions. The idea is to have people you can ask help from in times of trouble. 

One night some thugs in a truck tried to pursue our cab, intending harm. The driver asked me what to do, obviously in shock. I told him to calm down and directed him to a guard post of a subdivision nearby. I had always noted when I passed by that place how the guard  post was manned by 4 guards with shotguns. When we stopped, I told the guards the truck behind us had thugs that wanted to kill us--I was with my wife and small kid of 5 years. At once, the guards readied their guns. The truck driver saw this and became rattled, driving past as fast as he could.

In the same way, should an earthquake suddenly strike and you're caught between fallen debris, you can easily shout for help from people or guards you know are just close by. 

Stay Healthy and Fit

In any situation, it helps a lot to move ably, fast and accurately. This requires mind alertness and motor skills coordination which you both get from physical workouts and proper eating. A healthy lifestyle, in short. You just need to watch thriller-action disaster movies of Dwaine Johnson, Will Smith and Brad Pitt to understand this. It's hard to stay calm and alert if your BP shoots up or you have a heart attack--or you have big pot belly. 😄 How can you jump from one rooftop to another like Spiderman?

I practice intermittent fasting regularly as a lifestyle, not just for the superb health benefits (natural weight loss and detox with no side effects) but for training my body to eat less and not crave for food. It will work well for you in case of big-time disasters when famine results. And it's not far-fetched. Already we see this happening in areas where localities are isolated after major disasters and food and water become scarce. 

Know How to Fight for Yourself

I enjoy watching apocalypse movies, like those about zombies. Why? I love survival stuff. And a major part of it all is knowing how to defend yourself and your family against attackers and aggressors. It isn't hard to imagine how people will react adversely if extreme crises strike. They will attack unprovoked just to get what they need.

Major earthquakes and pandemics have resulted to widespread looting and burglary, often violent ones. Knowing how to fight systematically and realistically (or streetfighting, which I teach) will come in handy in case you get in the middle of it all. The idea is to get out of it safely and run away, not confront every rabid Tom, Dick and Harry. Fight your way out, hack a route to safety, and run like hell. 


Last but not least is pray. Pray before, after and during dangers--and even when enjoying peace and safety, when life seems to be so easy and eventless. It pays to get a habit and lifestyle of always praying and worshipping, no matter what the circumstances, so that when dangerous times come, you pray and worship automatically. Talk to God continually everyday. Thank Him for everything and anything and be in constant awe. Even in sleep. Yup, it's possible. It doesn't have to be formal or religious. Just get in the habit of talking to and appreciating God. It's what the bible calls, "pray without ceasing." 

You can take care of yourself and fight your way out of danger with your martial arts expertise (or gun skills) but you cannot cover all angles at the same time all the time. You're bound to miss a line of attack. You're still human with only two front eyes and two hands and feet. This is why prayers count a lot. While God gives you grace to use your defending skills, he can also cover your back and sides, including attacks coming from long way off. He's got you covered at all angles and I can personally vouch for that with my street experiences with HIM.

Use Your Most Inner Power 

A well life is a prosperous life--spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, socially and financially. Email at to get my e-book (free or with donation) "YOUR POWER WITHIN."

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