Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Increased Blood Sugar Even with Zero Sugar? Here's Why

I see lots of cases where blood sugar levels shoot up even with "zero sugar" intake--or so people think. They have eliminated all sugars from their diet, no sodas or softdrinks, no sugar in coffee, no iced teas, milk teas, shakes, frappes--nothing. In fact, no more rice and meat but only fresh vegetables and fruits.

Photo by Faran Raufi on Unsplash.

Fruits? No wonder. There's your culprit, especially fruits in the morning.

Fruits are good, don't take me wrong. I love them and make sure they're part of my diet. But the thing is, I have normal blood sugar levels. Do you? It's due to God's grace and mercy on my health, first and foremost, and I workout regularly. Besides, I watch what I eat. Even with good blood sugar health, I don't always eat fresh fruits.


Because most fruits have natural sugars, and natural sugars are still sugar. Specifically, fructose (natural sugar in fruits) is still sugar and in fact sweeter than sucrose or white sugar. If you have elevated sugar levels, minimize or avoid fruits that are sweet, like bananas--more so ripe bananas. Half-ripe bananas have less sugar and carbs, but less sugar is still sugar.

Eat instead fruits that are sour--lemon, kalamansi, strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, santol, kamias, etc. Avoid pineapple and mangoes. Avocados are good. But always eat in moderation and consult your doctor first. The good news is, mushrooms are not just delicious vegetables but also have anti-diabetes properties. 

Here's what the National Library of Medicine-National Center for Biotechnology Information or NCBI says about mushrooms:
In vivo and in vitro data revealed that treatment with mushroom polysaccharides displayed an anti-hyperglycemic effect by inhibiting glucose absorption efficacy, enhancing pancreatic β-cell mass, and increasing insulin-signaling pathways. Mushroom terpenoids act as inhibitors of α-glucosidase and as insulin sensitizers through activation of PPARγ in order to reduce hyperglycemia in animal models of diabetes. In conclusion, mushroom polysaccharides and terpenoids can effectively ameliorate hyperglycemia by various mechanisms and can be used as supportive candidates for prevention and control of diabetes in the future.

 Organic coffee with MUSHROOMS! (ganoderma lucidum, shitake, king trumpet, lion's mane, and turkey tail), aside from other organic health ingredients. Click here for more details.

Like mushrooms, nothing beats ginger when it comes to lowering insulin resistance and inflammation. I enjoy freshly brewed ginger with green tea when I happen to eat sweet foods because I had no choice but to eat them. But ginger, green tea and even your maintenance meds are no excuse to indulge in foods that are bad for you.

To have a healthy mindset and discipline to go with it, you have to understand the real power in you which God put in your inner self to overcome all odds.


Just email me at and get an email back in 20 or 30 seconds with a download link to the e-book, "Your Power Within." It's FREE! You also get my GCash details in case you decide to donate P40, P50, P100 (or any amount) for the e-book to help my church ministry. But with or without donation, the e-book is yours 😄. 

With this 80-page e-book you get my NONJoiner emails (short, radical insights about things you probably haven't heard of) on potentials, life, family, success and failures, all tied up somehow with some unique insights about Jesus Christ. You may unsubscribe anytime.

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