Sunday, October 15, 2023

Why You are Not Efficient

Most folks will say they're both--hardworking and efficient--or at least believe they should be. But efficiency really eliminates hard work. Hard work often loses sight of the goal and focuses on the work itself, instead of figuring out a way to get things done the smartest way possible. Being work-focused often make work harder than it really is.

Being efficient is different. You weed out backbreaking, stupid work, effort or processes, get to the point and focus on what really is essential. Most hard workers think doing tiring, arduous work is productive. Efficient workers opt not just for productivity but especially success  at hitting targets with minimal hard work, cutting long, stupid processes short with common sense and diligence, choosing the simplest and most effective ways to accomplish things. Efficiency means less work. 

Investopedia says:

The term efficiency can be defined as the ability to achieve an end goal with little to no waste, effort, or energy. Being efficient means you can achieve your results by putting the resources you have in the best way possible. Put simply, something is efficient if nothing is wasted and all processes are optimized.

In short, efficient people get straight to the point, what really needs to be done here, and do just that. Like in church ministries, for instance. Efficient believers do what God wants done as Jesus had done it in the Gospel---because he is the epitome of success in God's eyes. The rest we add or invent as "church works" are garbage. 

Diligence is a key idea here. Here's what I gathered from Google. Diligence is "careful and persistent work or effort," which is different from plain hard work. Diligence is carefully choosing only what gets the job done and being persistent with that, trashing what is wasteful, irrelevant and unnecessary.

It's also "steady, earnest (strong desire) and energetic effort." Diligence is powered by vision, inspiration and enthusiasm while hard work is often a drab, done only to finish a task and get paid or please people.

Another idea is "devoted and painstaking work," where painstaking is "done with or employing great care and thoroughness," or being "meticulous."

Last is "assiduity," which is "constant or close attention to what one is doing." 

These definitions may sound like what hard work is, but they really refer more to efficiency and diligence which always opt for simpler and more effective ways of working and getting the job done in the best manner.

Mass Production is Not Always Success

Producing a lot does not always equate to success. Big or large or many does not always mean better. The path to destruction, says Jesus, is broad and wide, "and many enter through it." The point here is not to produce as little as possible, but to not think that big and numerous is always a success---because people blinded by mass production (or, in ministry, those oriented to the mind of the world) always has this perspective. As long as you produce a lot, you're okay.

Hard work forgets about innovation and creativity and sticks doggedly to a traditional, boring pattern. Often, blind hard work establishes its own idea of "smartness" and "efficient work" based on a narrow-minded concept of what success is. It thinks that anything done hard is successful. Anything that costs you sleepless nights and overstress is "success." Hard work is plain work, period. Drudgery. Sticking to a fed program like a robot. Hard work was what God gave Adam and Eve after they proved inefficient with plain and simple obedience and opt to do things the hard way. 

So, are you hardworking or efficient?


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